The MaG

The pulse of Club activity, the MaG is published and mailed to members six times per year. It is in glorious full colour and with glossy pages too! As an extra, the MaG is also available as a PDF, via email, if preferred.

The MaG contains lots of interesting reading - such as articles, photos and results of recent Club events, technical tips and tricks, tales of MG adventures, the latest MG news and sometimes a wee look into the past with an interesting historical article with an MG twist. And last, but not least, all the details of the Club’s Coming Events for the next month or two! Yes, there is lots to keep you informed and inspired!

The MaG editor welcomes and encourages all manner of MG-related contributions - articles, stories of your car photos, restoration tales and the like.

Club members may place classified advertisements at no cost.

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