The Information available on this page and the in the menus on the left are an amalgam of interesting, but vital, MG ‘stuff’ that does not logically fit anywhere else on the website!! So here it is…

Whether you want to learn about the long and treasured history of MG - yes, MG has been around since 1925; or read various technical articles about how best to maintain your MG, as written by MG owners and specialists; or learn what to look for BEFORE you go spending your hard-earned cash on a second-hand MG, it can all be found somewhere on the associated pages within the menu on the left.

As there are so many models of MG from the past 90 years of history, the various models have been grouped into what are termed ‘Registers’. Go and open the MG  Registers menu, find the Register for your model of MG and learn more about your particular model of MG. The folks found in your Register really are the experts - they own the model of MG that you own, so if you have any questions, ask away!

And last but not least, for event organisers, the Event Guidelines menu option contains various documents and forms required when organising a Club event. These forms are for your assistance and to ensure that all the required actions are understood and performed by the event organiser. Over time more events will be added to this area, so it you are organising an event (we hope you do!) check back to this page. 

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